Mendeleev Ltd.

Development and production of paintwork materials

Preservative substances and hydrophobizators for wood and concrete,
automobile chemical goods, paint removers, anticorrosive PM, solvents for printing industry.

Graffiti removal from a painted wall


Address: Saint Petersburg, 50, Ligovsky Prospekt.
Materials supplier: Mendeleev Ltd.
Date of operation: October 18, 2011.
Product used: Old Paint Remover No.281.
Air temperature: +12?C.
Relative air humidity: 93%.

Graffiti removal from a painted wall
Pic.1 – The graffiti was made with a conventional construction marker, containing poorly soluble pigments.
Graffiti removal from a painted wall
Pic.2 – Spraying
Pic.3 – Cleaning the facade from graffiti after one minute exposure. Conventional multilayer napkins and dense cloth rags were used for cleaning.
Graffiti removal from a painted wall
Pic.4 – The result of Old Paint Remover No.281 application. The remover cleaned the facade from graffiti and left the bottom layer undamaged.
Graffiti removal from a painted wall
Pic.5 – The final result. The wall has been completely cleaned from graffiti. Marker traces remnants are being cleaned from the wall with water.