Mendeleev Ltd.

Development and production of paintwork materials

Preservative substances and hydrophobizators for wood and concrete,
automobile chemical goods, paint removers, anticorrosive PM, solvents for printing industry.

Curtain holder painting defect elimination


Materials supplier for defect elimination: Mendeleev Ltd.
Materials used for defect elimination: Turbo-reactive solvent grade “Ya”.
Date of operation: December 20, 2011.
Air temperature: from 18?C.
Relative air humidity: 84%.

Wooden curtain holders which started the history of home decoration remain very relevant. Modern wood processing technologies make it possible to create distinctive curtain holders with decorative elements. End-caps, holders, brackets, wood-carved leaves and flowers require careful and accurate painting. Different tints, blisters and craters in the coating, paint leaks, different coating thickness are not only unacceptable – these are coating defects. They are easily eliminated with Turbo-reactive solvent grade “Ya”.

Curtain holder painting defect elimination
Pic.1 – Wooden curtain holder decorative elements

Wooden curtain holder end-caps, discarded by the Quality Control Department during wood staining and coating with “Sayerlack”, Italian polyurethane varnish. The defects are coating thickness wide scatter and different tints of decorative elements.

Curtain holder painting defect elimination
Pic.2 – Polyurethane varnish layer removal by dipping and brush application

There are two variants of polyurethane coating defect elimination: By dipping into a container with Turbo-reactive solvent grade “Ya” and by applying withTurbo-reactive solvent grade “Ya” a brush.

Curtain holder painting defect elimination
Pic.3 – Painted wooden balls dipped into Turbo-reactive solvent grade “Ya”.

It is more convenient to clean small end-caps by dipping. Turbo-reactive solvent grade “Ya” is a colorless, transparent liquid, containing organic high-boiling solvents.

Curtain holder painting defect elimination
Pic.4 – Carved wooden end-cap after 2 minutes exposure in Turbo-reactive solvent grade “Ya”.

After the item’s exposure in the solvent the defective coating begins to flake. Turbo-reactive solvent grade “Ya” scales the polyurethane varnish off the carved cylinder-shaped end-cap.

Curtain holder painting defect elimination
Pic.5 – Painted end-caps after 2 minutes exposure in the solvent
Curtain holder painting defect elimination
Pic.6 – Varnish coating after 5 minutes exposure.

After 5 minutes exposure Turbo-reactive solvent grade “Ya” eliminated the polyurethane varnish coating completely. The softened paint and varnish layer can be easily removed with a rag. As is known, curtain holders are made of different wood species, such as beech, cherry, oak, walnut, larch. Turbo-reactive solvent grade “Ya” removes paint and varnish coating in a fast and cost-effective way from wood of any species, differing from one another in their natural structure and porosity. The composition does not leave any traces of the decorative coating in wood pores.

Curtain holder painting defect elimination
Pic.7 – Cleaned curtain holder decorative elements

In Pic.7 a distinct border line can be seen between paint and varnish coating and cleaned wood after the solvent application. In case a coating should be removed partly, Turbo-reactive solvent grade “Ya” is just irreplaceable.

Curtain holder painting defect elimination
Pic.8 – Cylinder-shaped curtain holder end-cap after polyurethane varnish defective layer removal.

In Pic.8 one can see a coating defect eliminated locally with Turbo-reactive solvent grade “Ya”.

Curtain holder painting defect elimination
Pic.9 – Wooden end-cap before and after treatment with Turbo-reactive solvent grade “Ya”.

Color and tint differences of wooden curtain holders as well as their decorative elements are eliminatible with the specially designed semi-volatile composition Turbo-reactive solvent grade Ya. This composition carefully removes paint and varnish layer remains and cleans decorative coating out of hard-to-reach places (junctions, decorative carving).