Mendeleev Ltd.

Development and production of paintwork materials

Preservative substances and hydrophobizators for wood and concrete,
automobile chemical goods, paint removers, anticorrosive PM, solvents for printing industry.

51, Suvorovsky Prospekt


Object: 51, Suvorovsky Prospekt.
Relative air humidity: 86%.
Air temperature: +18?C.
Date of operation: summer 2011.

51, Suvorovsky Prospekt
Pic.1 – View of the building before restoration.
51, Suvorovsky Prospekt
Pic.2 – General view of the house during restoration.
51, Suvorovsky Prospekt
Pic.3 – Information on the state customer and the general contractor.

Information on the state customer and the general contractor.
Customer: Saint Petersburg Government Establishment ‘Customer’s Directorate on restoration works on historical and cultural monuments’ Intarsia Group of Companies.

51, Suvorovsky Prospekt
Pic.4 – Product used at the object.

Products used at the object: Old Paint Remover No.222 and Old Paint Remover SP-67 grade A.

51, Suvorovsky Prospekt
Pic.5 – Applying remover onto a bas-relief.

Applying the remover onto a bas-relief with a soft brush. In 30 minutes the remover will begin to effect and the old paint will bloat.

51, Suvorovsky Prospekt
Pic.6 – The visible result of Old Paint Remover SP-67, grade A application.
51, Suvorovsky Prospekt
Pic.7 – Applying the primer layer.
51, Suvorovsky Prospekt
Pic.8 – Old Paint Remover SP-67, grade A and Old Paint Remover No.222 worked the multilayer paint out even on the most defiled areas of the facade.
51, Suvorovsky Prospekt
Pic.9 – 51, Suvorovsky Prospekt (1914).

51, Suvorovsky Prospekt.
Rented apartment house of M.A. Sizov.

Architect: N.I. Kotovich.
Style: Moderne.

-1750 (According to the city plan in those years) there was a square, on which Cavalry regiment Life Guard trainings took place. Behind the square, on the Neva bank the regiment’s settlement (Sloboda) was situated. A first from Nevsky Prospekt to Konnogvardeyskaya sloboda led Konnogvardeyskaya St., which was later renamed to Slonovaya St. (as it was the place where elephants were walked, “slon” means “an elephant” in Russian) and finally it became Suvorovsky Prospekt. To the west of the Prospekt Tauride Gardens (Tavrichesky Sad) and Life Guard barracks later appeared.

-1824 (according to the city plan) Konnogvardeyskaya (Slonovaya) St. was lined with buildings. It didn’t lead to Nevsky Prospekt anymore. There were wooden one-storeyed houses there and a few two-storeyed ones as well. They were inhabited by retired military-men and functionaries.

-1843 (according to the city plan) there appeared 8 plots intended for private building. The first person to build a house was merchant Balakin. On the plot No.5 he built a wooden one-storeyed house with a mezzanine and no visible decorations.

-1900 Slonovaya St. was extended up to Nevsky Prospekt and renamed to Suvorovsky Prospekt. Wooden houses were gradually replaced by multistorey stone ones.

– In 1910 a rented apartment house of M.A. Sizov was built.

– In 2001 the house was included by Saint Petersburg Committee on state supervision, exploitation and preservation of historical and cultural monuments in the “List of newly revealed objects of historical, artistic or other cultural value”